Memorial Day Weekend Recap and Photodump

This was one big crazy weekend/week.  so…brace yourself for a long post!

Thursday–Fun Bridal Shower for my coworker and Old Roomie in College


Then a fun coworker wine night at my place


Firday Dinner Party with friends from Sacramento


My New Glasses! xo From Ray Ban


Fun pretty things + MAC Makeup  LOVE their orgasm blush




Saturday, Markel and I did N O T H I N G.  We watched like 16 hours of TV, hung out around the apartment and just recharged our batteries since it’s been such a crazy past few months.


Sunday, Church, Mike’s Parents place and Estella‘s Graduation from Loma Linda! (more on her graduation here)



Monday, BBQ with our Small Group and a Crate & Barrel/Bed Bath and Beyond trip for Markel and Me.



Tuesday, Wine night with the girls + Bruno ❤


and FINALLY…on Wednesday…our small group saw STAR TREK!! xoxo


and now…it’s the weekend again! xoxo ❤

Estella FINALLLLYYYY graduates!

Mrs. Estella Kim… BA, DDS, DABA, MD, DO, ABCDEFG…you get the point.  girlfriend has a lot of degrees.

After like 10 years of school, Dr. Kim has finally finished School!! In a big graduation, Estella walked across the stage and received her final diploma.  PRAISE JESUS.  She will not be the richest girl in the whole world and probably be my sugar mama until I die (fingers crossed).

I took about a million photos this past Sunday, so I needed a separate blog post just for this.  xoxo  Love you girl.  So proud of all that you have achieved! xo

(and uh…don’t forget to buy our plane tickets for greece, turkey and croatia next year!)









Dinner at Thai House—hella bomb food

(Why am i wearing a button you ask?  I broke the strap of my dress trying to take pics at the graduation and this is the only thing we could find to piece my dress back together.  *sigh *)


Wedding Prep and Hotel Madness

I would have to say, that the night before the wedding was probably one of the most fun nights.  Our entire bridal party stayed in the same hotel, on the same floor.  We all hung out, drank, danced, the boys dared each other to do stupid things, and we did some flower prep for the wedding.  Overall, it was probably the most relaxed I had been for a while~~ The Big Day was already upon us and all I had to do was enjoy being with y closest friends ❤

Here are some random fun photos of the night~~ Only the blog appropriate ones.  hehe


Throwback Thursday





Star Trek at Century City Mall


Went out last night with my small group ♡♡ so funnnnn. Movie was awesome and I love hanging out with this great group!

Work Bridal Shower: Congratulations Libby!


We had a gorgeous bridal shower at work last Thursday for my coworker and old college roommate ❤  It was incredibly girlie, shabby chic and fun ❤  Another reason why I’m so blessed to be working in my office at UCLA.



New Ray Ban Glasses


You like??



I got this beautiful green orchid as a houseqarming present and it really brightened the coffee table up.  ♡♡ Spring/Summer are here and I’m obsessed with flowers!!



My favorite flower ♡
I got these peonies from trader Joe’s and they look gorgeous on my side table next to the wedding photo of Mike’s grandparents.  Xoxo

Happy Friday before Memorial Day Weekend!

Happy Friday before Memorial Day Weekend!

Rate this:

Happy Memorial Day from Etsy!

As an Etsy shop owner, I always love to promote the other shops ❤  Here are a few items I on my wishlist! xoxo  I love things with American Flags on them.

Etsy Stores:

Busy Spinning Thread










I’m sorting through my closet and getting ready to sell things on EBAY~ and well…now I’m itching for a new purse!  how weird does that sounds while I’m trying to clean house and get rid of stuff??  Oh wells…here are some bags I love on ASOS. =)



Throwback Thursday





Old Hollywood Glamour & Decor

I’ve been going through a big old Hollywood phase lately!  Either that…or I’m finally putting together my style and discovering what it’s really called ❤  Probably both~

Here is a fun little inspiration board of all the things I’m loving right now and what I hope to add to my new place!  My new place & our new budget doesn’t quite allow for an entire rennovation~ but…I’m trying to pick pieces wisely so that they can at least give off the same ambiance. ❤



Bridal Shower: Hello Kitty Theme

I have the BEST bridesmaids in the entire world.  They threw the most amazing bash for me!!  Every single detail was GORGEOUS and incredibly thoughtful.  They not only were super crafty, but the decor style of the event was classic ❤  I’m so grateful to those girls!

My roomie/BM took 60+ pictures from the day, so here are just some fun ones for you to see.


SAM_2432 SAM_2434  SAM_2442SAM_2431SAM_2444

SAM_2451SAM_2498 SAM_2508 SAM_2512SAM_2465 SAM_2469 SAM_2535 SAM_2544 SAM_2513 SAM_2515



Looking back on this day…I feel so blessed to have amazing friends in my life who love me.  I will always see these pictures and remember such a fun girls day to celebrate my marriage to Markel ❤

Weekend Recap and Photodump

This past weekend was ANOTHER busy busy busy one~~  Filled with good food, friends, and some physical labor ❤

Friday Night, Markel and I watched a Mad Men marathon and just hung out at home.  We ate leftovers and just did what we haven’t been able to do: RELAX!

Saturday, bright and early, we woke up and drove out to Chino to help Markel’s grandparents move to San Diego.  It was such a gorgeous day~~ it didn’t feel like we were moving.  After the move, we were able to do a little home decor shopping at Z Gallerie & Target ❤

(made a little care package for Markel’s Bro’s wedding, the weather was GORG, so was the sunset!)



Sunday, Markel and I got to sleep in and slowly get ready for a big bbq birthday bash ❤  Our friends came over, got to see our new place, and Markel was able to use his new GRILL~~~ his most prize possession at the moment.

I forgot to take pictures at the beginning of the party, so here are just some random ones towards the end.  This year, I planned a REALLY REALLY chill birthday for Markel b/c he was so burnt out from work/wedding/traveling/moving/LIFE!  We kept it all incredibly low key and relaxing~ so that Mike could sit back and enjoy the day.  (Markel’s Birthday Pasts)


He was so special he got TWO birthday cakes







Happy Birthday Baby!! xoxo


Monogram Etsy Necklaces from Swirl Studio Designs

For my Maids of Honors, I bought them monogram necklaces that came late in the mail.  I bought them from Swirl Studio Designs and they were INCREDIBLY easy to work with.  I kept making the wrong mistakes while I was going through my order and they not only replied to me right away, but made it easy to fix the errors so that I could get what I wanted. =)

AND because they are so sweet~ they are offering a 20% discount for all my readers!!  Just use “MAM20” and get your discount during checkout ❤

You’ll LOVE these gorgeous necklaces~~ The store had 10+ different designs and items, but I got the same thing for all three of us ❤

Here’s the packaging that they arrive in below.  Inside, the necklaces are also in these awesome blue fabric baggies as well.


My new initials ❤ ESB


First Initial, Last Initial, Middle Initial

Esther Blair Soohye


One Maid of Honor Wearing Hers! xo


Jennifer Chen Zen


I ABSOLUTELY LOVE LOVE LOVE my monogram necklace.  I got it in Gold and it seriously matches everything in my wardrobe~ including my engagement ring and wedding band ❤

Thank you Swirl Studio Designs for your gorgeous jewelry!

If you want yours, please visit their store and use “MAM20” for an instant 20% off discount!


Wine and Etsy Orders




How I spend my Monday nights after work ♡  So grateful for all the Betsy orders!

Art Deco-ish Mirror from Z Gallerie


I’m obssessed with this mirror!  It’s like $400 but I waaaaaant ittttt…

Etsy Deal: The Accent Shop

I recently bought this ADORABLE onesie from The Accent Shop on Etsy and absolutely LOVED the quality, detailing and design!  This onesie not only has a vest (with a nice lining), it had a small pocket square and bow tie to match!

You can choose from long sleeve or short sleeve. =)  I can’t wait to give this gorgeous onesie away as a gift in a couple of weeks!


AND The Accent Shop was kind enough to let all of my readers get $5 off any item in their Etsy store!

Coupon: $5 off any purchase
Coupon Code: MARCANDME
Exp: June 30, 2013



This little onesie is GORGEOUS and perfect for all newborns and babies up to 24 months!

Get yours today! ❤